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About WiSE℠

The WiSE Mission: to bring people together to learn about, care for, and enjoy our planet. Our role is one of education and being of service to Nature. 

The Worsley Institute Service to the Earth (WiSE) seeks to further expand, explore, and cultivate the lineage and teachings of Professor JR Worsley as a “Way of Life.” We recognize that our pursuit of preserving this beautiful medicine calls us not only to live in harmony with each other but also in harmony with Nature.

WiSE invites you to join us in this journey together as “instruments of Nature”, whether abroad or in our own backyards.

We have asked Judy Worsley, on behalf of the Worsley Institute, to share a dedication to JR with the creation of WiSE:

 “I would first like to thank the Worsley Institute for its inspiring work, remaining faithful to JR’s original intention and mission, which was to create in 1997 this Official Home of the Professor JR Worsley lineage teachings. Thank you also for dedicating this wonderful program to JR.

                  JR would be pleased to know that the WISE effort has been established in his honour and in appreciation for the awareness he brought us as early as the 1960’s that we must not just take from our planet; we should also learn to give back.

Together, we can make a difference. I hope you will join WI in their earnest effort to pay tribute and give back to our planet.”


What WiSE event participants have to say:

While it may have been a small gesture in the grand scale of nature’s needs, a difference was made, and I began to appreciate the depth that any gesture of care truly holds.”

This important matter of listening and respecting the laws of Nature collectively as a human species is perhaps mankind’s most current and crucial necessity on local and global scales. In healing and cultivating our relationship to Earth, we also heal ourselves and cultivate the integrity of human culture.”

J.R. Worsley Quote 


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